School Food Scrap Diversion
Any person or entity that generates food scraps, regardless of amount, is required by law to divert these food scraps from the trash. ACT 148, Vermont's Universal Recycling Law, bans food residuals from the trash and came into effect on July 1, 2020. In Addison County, businesses and schools can have food scraps picked up by a licensed hauler or bring them to the District Transfer Station.
We provide Addison County schools with technical assistance to get started diverting food scraps from the landfill, including performing waste audits, providing food scrap collection containers, and recommending options for food donation, food scrap collection, on-site composting, share tables and sorting stations. The District also provides grant funding for waste reduction and diversion projects in schools such as water bottle filling stations and cafeteria sorting stations. Call us at (802) 388-2333 or email emily@ for a free consultation and more information about grants.