Food Scrap Collection & Drop-Off
Here in Addison County, residents and businesses have a number of options for diverting food scraps from the landfill. While composting at home can be fun and rewarding, it's not an option for everyone. Fortunately, the District Transfer Station and all town drop-offs in the District accept food scraps for composting! Some haulers even collect food scraps at the curb.

Why keep food scraps out of the trash?
You paid for those banana peels, egg shells, and carrot tops, so why pay to throw them away? Keeping food scraps out of the landfill makes sense for many reasons, whether it's saving money on your trash disposal and grocery bill, reducing methane emissions from the landfill, producing nutrient-rich soil amendments for our depleted soils, or conserving water and landfill space. Plus, it's the law: starting July 1, 2020, all food scraps will be banned from the landfill in Vermont thanks to Act 148, Vermont's Universal Recycling Law.
Accepted items
The following food items are accepted at the District Transfer Station and town drop-offs:
- Fruit and vegetable scraps
- Coffee grounds and filters
- Tea bags (paper only) & loose tea
- Eggs and egg shells
- Bread pasta, rice and grains
- Meat, bones, shellfish and seafood
- Cheese and dairy
- Soups and sauces
- Oils and fats
Not accepted
These items are NOT accepted at drop-off locations because they contaminate the compost system:
- Produce stickers
- Plastic products of any kind
- Paper products
- Products labeled or sold as "compostable," "biodegradable," "plant-based," etc., including plates, cups, utensils, or straws
- Liner bags, even if labeled or sold as "compostable," "biodegradable," "plant-based," or something similar
- Twist ties
- Human or pet waste
Tips for collecting food scraps

Collecting food scraps is easy, and can save you money by reducing your amount of trash. Check out these tips to make collecting food scraps a breeze!
- Get a good container. The District sells dishwasher-safe countertop kitchen collectors (shown here) for $6, and 5-gallon food scrap buckets for $5. You could also use an empty yogurt container or other recycled container.
- Prevent fruit flies and odors. If you notice fruit flies or odors near your food scrap container, either store the container in your fridge or freezer, or cover fresh food scraps with sawdust or wood shavings. If necessary, make a fruit fly trap by mixing apple cider vinegar and a dash of dish soap in a cup. Optionally, cover the cup with plastic wrap secured with a rubber band, and poke some small holes in the plastic wrap.
- Find a convenient drop-off location. Bring food scraps to your town drop-off or to the District Transfer Station. Food scraps from residents (up to five gallons) are accepted for $1 (plus $1 admin fee) at the District Transfer Station. Or, feed them to chickens. Some haulers also collect food scraps at the curb.
Still have questions?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions about food scrap collection, or contact us.
No stickers!
Remove produce stickers from fruit and veggie scraps that you drop off for composting. Produce stickers don't break down and they can't be removed from the final product. Hang one of our Produce Sticker Graphics near your compost bucket to remind you to remove them.

What about...?
Our FAQ has answers to common questions about managing food scraps. Food Scrap FAQ