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Oil Tank

Disposal Options

Oil tanks that are completely emptied and cleaned of any liquid or sludge are accepted at the District Transfer Station for recycling as scrap metal. Bring leftover oil or sludge to the HazWaste Center for disposal.

The District requires that an opening must be cut into the tank (if the tank was not manufactured with such an opening) to enable our Transfer Station Operators to easily inspect the inside of the tank to be sure that it is completely empty of any liquids or sludge. The opening must be large enough to permit easy inspection of the entire tank. The District will reject any tank that is deemed to have been inadequately cleaned or prepared for disposal.

Due to health and safety risks associated with petroleum fumes, only trained professionals familiar with the necessary safety precautions should attempt to cut or clean a fuel tank.  If you have any questions or concerns about preparing a fuel tank for disposal, please contact the District (802) 388-2333 or your local fuel supplier for more information.


Scrap Metal

  • No Charge


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